Main skin concerns:
Cystic Acne Breakouts.
My Journey
"I first had cystic acne as a 26 year old at the end of 2020 to middle of 2021 which was my biggest concern. I had subscribed and spent $300 on three products from the US that was advertised for acne prone skin and started using the products only to discover my skin wasn’t getting any better, it in fact made my skin flaky and dry.
I think what stood out for me with Fresh Face Skin was how well looked after I was during my salon treatments, I have never been to a salon previously that would run you through every detail of what was going on your skin and how it was going to work with it. The at home products also stood out to me with how natural they are.

A few of my friends had been to Fresh Face Skin and I remember messaging one of them saying I need help I can’t handle it anymore and she told me to book in. I jumped online and someone had cancelled their appointment for Saturday and I booked in straight away (otherwise the wait time was a month) I have NEVER looked back.
The results speak for themselves.. I no longer have cystic acne and redness, my scarring is minimal and I rarely ever get breakouts."
Hayley Love
Read more of her story on the Daily Mail.